Alyssa Allchurch

PhD Candidate, Simon Fraser University    
MSc Resource & Environmental Management, Simon Fraser University       

Alyssa Allchurch is a coastal ecologist and a PhD student co-supervised by Dr. Anne Salomon and Dr. Maycira Costa. She is happiest when spending her days diving through kelp forests, and before her Master’s worked as a scuba diving and marine conservation instructor. Her Master’s work was in collaboration with the Kwakiutl Nation, studying the ecological and biophysical impacts of kelp harvest to help inform future kelp mariculture. She had the honour of spending many weeks in the summer of 2022 up in Kwakiutl territory surveying their vast kelp beds. Now for her PhD she is joining the kelp-encrusting bryozoan team to study ecological drivers of change in kelp forests up and down coastal British Columbia.